Tips & Tricks

Importing Assets to Shelf: CSV Guide

Find out what is important to keep in mind when preparing a proper CSV file for importing assets.


Shelf allows you to import assets using CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. This guide will help you create and import your asset data correctly.

Quick Start

  1. Download our pre-formatted CSV template
  2. Fill in your asset data
  3. In Shelf, click Assets > Import
  4. Select your filled CSV file
  5. Confirm the import

IMPORTANT: Do not use data exported from asset backup for imports. This will result in corrupted data.

CSV File Requirements

  • Use comma (,) or semicolon (;) as delimiters
  • Include all required columns (see below)
  • The first row (header) will be ignored during import

Required Columns

  • title
  • description
  • kit
  • category
  • tags
  • location
  • valuation
  • custodian

Detailed Rules and Considerations

Basic Fields

  • kit, category, location, custodian: Enter the name of the related entry. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
  • tags: For multiple tags, separate with commas. New tags will be created if they don't exist.
  • valuation: Enter numeric values without currency symbols or commas.

Custom Fields

To add custom fields, use this format in the header row:

"cf: Field Name, type:data_type"

Available data types:

  • text (default if no type is specified)
  • boolean (use "yes" or "no")
  • option
  • multiline text
  • date (use mm/dd/yyyy format)

Example custom field headers:

  • "cf: Serial Number,type:text"
  • "cf: Purchase Date, type:date"
  • "cf: Is Portable, type:boolean"

Important Notes

  • Enclose fields containing commas in double quotes
  • Each row creates a new asset; existing assets are not updated
  • If any data is invalid, the entire import will fail
  • Remove any empty rows at the end of your CSV file

Example CSV Structure

title,description,kit,category,tags,location,valuation,custodian,"cf: Serial Number,type:text","cf: Purchase Date, type:date"
"Laptop Model X","High-performance laptop",Office Equipment,Computers,"Laptop, High-Performance",Main Office,1500,John Doe,LPX12345,05/15/2023


  • Ensure your CSV is saved with UTF-8 encoding
  • Double-check that all required columns are present
  • Verify that date fields use the mm/dd/yyyy format

For additional help, contact our support team.


Shelf allows you to import assets using CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. This guide will help you create and import your asset data correctly.

Quick Start

  1. Download our pre-formatted CSV template
  2. Fill in your asset data
  3. In Shelf, click Assets > Import
  4. Select your filled CSV file
  5. Confirm the import

IMPORTANT: Do not use data exported from asset backup for imports. This will result in corrupted data.

CSV File Requirements

  • Use comma (,) or semicolon (;) as delimiters
  • Include all required columns (see below)
  • The first row (header) will be ignored during import

Required Columns

  • title
  • description
  • kit
  • category
  • tags
  • location
  • valuation
  • custodian

Detailed Rules and Considerations

Basic Fields

  • kit, category, location, custodian: Enter the name of the related entry. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
  • tags: For multiple tags, separate with commas. New tags will be created if they don't exist.
  • valuation: Enter numeric values without currency symbols or commas.

Custom Fields

To add custom fields, use this format in the header row:

"cf: Field Name, type:data_type"

Available data types:

  • text (default if no type is specified)
  • boolean (use "yes" or "no")
  • option
  • multiline text
  • date (use mm/dd/yyyy format)

Example custom field headers:

  • "cf: Serial Number,type:text"
  • "cf: Purchase Date, type:date"
  • "cf: Is Portable, type:boolean"

Important Notes

  • Enclose fields containing commas in double quotes
  • Each row creates a new asset; existing assets are not updated
  • If any data is invalid, the entire import will fail
  • Remove any empty rows at the end of your CSV file

Example CSV Structure

title,description,kit,category,tags,location,valuation,custodian,"cf: Serial Number,type:text","cf: Purchase Date, type:date"
"Laptop Model X","High-performance laptop",Office Equipment,Computers,"Laptop, High-Performance",Main Office,1500,John Doe,LPX12345,05/15/2023


  • Ensure your CSV is saved with UTF-8 encoding
  • Double-check that all required columns are present
  • Verify that date fields use the mm/dd/yyyy format

For additional help, contact our support team.

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