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Shelf Asset Management Software - Q2 2024 - Product Walkthrough Demo
Asset Tracking & Management

Shelf Asset Management Software - Q2 2024 - Product Walkthrough Demo

Every quarter we make a product walkthrough video. Read and see the 2024 Q2 Product Walkthrough video.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
June 17, 2024
 Top PC Naming Conventions for System Admins
Asset Tracking & Management

Top PC Naming Conventions for System Admins

We analyzed the most popular PC naming conventions by Sysadmins - what are the most popular ones?
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
June 7, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Implementing an Asset Registry
Asset Tracking & Management

The Ultimate Guide to Implementing an Asset Registry

Managing assets is crucial for businesses to run smoothly. An asset registry is a central database that keeps track of a company's assets.In this guide, we'll explore the benefits, challenges, and best practices of setting up an asset registry, and how Shelf can help.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
May 22, 2024
Introducing Custom Field Linking to Categories
Asset Tracking & Management

Introducing Custom Field Linking to Categories

In asset management, not all fields are relevant for every category. For instance, a laptop has a MAC address, but a chair does not. This can lead to cluttered and inefficient asset tracking, making it difficult to find the information you need quickly. Our users have been asking for a way to tailor their custom fields to specific categories, and we're happy to deliver.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
April 30, 2024
New Feature Update: Streamlined Bookings and Calendar Integration
Software Features & Capabilities

New Feature Update: Streamlined Bookings and Calendar Integration

we've added an "Add to Calendar" button to the booking page for past bookings. This generates an ICS (Internet Calendar Subscription) file containing essential information about the booking, along with a link to the booking page. Now, you can easily add your bookings to your preferred calendar app or platform, keeping track of your schedule a breeze.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
April 8, 2024
Pricing changes for shelf
Updates & Maintenance

Pricing changes for shelf

We wanted to inform you that we will be increasing our prices for new subscriptions starting from Q2 2024 (Preparations are taking place now). To continue investing in the development of new features and improvements.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
April 5, 2024
Maximizing the Value of Unclaimed QR Asset Labels: New Use Cases and Applications
Software Features & Capabilities

Maximizing the Value of Unclaimed QR Asset Labels: New Use Cases and Applications

Scan unclaimed QR codes and link them to existing assets or create new ones. Now, whenever you scan an unclaimed QR code, you'll have two options: register a new asset or link it to an existing one.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
April 3, 2024
Introducing One-Time Passwords!
Updates & Maintenance

Introducing One-Time Passwords!

Shelf is transitioning from Magic Links to One-Time password.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
March 7, 2024
Product showcase Q1 2024
Software Features & Capabilities

Product showcase Q1 2024

Curious about the current state of shelf? It's features and capabilities? I'll run you through the current state of Shelf.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
March 6, 2024
What are Unclaimed Asset Labels on Shelf and what are they used for
Asset Tracking & Management

What are Unclaimed Asset Labels on Shelf and what are they used for

Unclaimed Asset Labels offer businesses a convenient method of assigning asset labels to new assets right away. Unlike Shelf's traditional asset labels, these tags aren't assigned to individual assets at creation; instead, they are unique codes which are linked to a specific user or workspace. So you can have tags at hand, whenever new equipment comes in - just grab an asset label - add it to your inventory and create an asset.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
February 20, 2024
How to Use Shelf for Tracking Development Kits and Expensive Materials During Demonstrations and Trade Fairs
Asset Disposal & Retirement

How to Use Shelf for Tracking Development Kits and Expensive Materials During Demonstrations and Trade Fairs

Shared asset management is hard, many start with an excel sheet and quickly realize that, after trying to keep a tidy inventory sheet. Things get messy. That's where we come in. We at shelf are obsessed with asset related operations and are here to serve with technological solutions to make this process easier and faster.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
February 12, 2024
Our process for creating asset labels
Asset Tracking & Management

Our process for creating asset labels

If you're looking to keep track of your inventory and assets, asset labels are a must-have. They help you identify and locate items quickly and easily, prevent loss or theft, and streamline your inventory management process. At Shelf, we specialize in creating high-quality asset labels that meet the unique needs of your business.
Carlos Virreira
Carlos Virreira
February 9, 2024