Understanding Sorting in Shelf
Shelf offers flexible sorting options to help you organize your assets efficiently. This guide explains how our sorting system works and how to use it effectively.
Sorting Options:
Sort by:
- Name
- Date Created
- Date Updated
Sort Direction:
- Ascending (A to Z, oldest to newest)
- Descending (Z to A, newest to oldest)
How Sorting Works:
Sorting by Name:
Assets are sorted alphabetically based on their names.
The sort is case-sensitive: uppercase letters come before lowercase (e.g., "Asset" before "asset").
For alphanumeric names, characters are compared from left to right:
Numbers are treated as individual characters, not whole values.
Example order: Asset1, Asset2, Asset11, Asset20, AssetA, AssetB
Sorting by Date Created:
Assets are ordered based on the date and time they were added to the system.
Ascending: Oldest assets appear first.
Descending: Newest assets appear first.
Sorting by Date Updated:
Assets are ordered based on the date and time they were last modified.
Ascending: Assets with the oldest updates appear first.
Descending: Assets with the most recent updates appear first.
Tips for Effective Sorting:
Consistent Naming: For best results when sorting by name, use consistent naming conventions for your assets.
Leading Zeros: When using numbers in asset names, consider using leading zeros (e.g., Asset001 instead of Asset1) to ensure proper numerical ordering.
Recent Changes: Use "Date Updated" sorting to quickly find assets that have been recently modified.
Inventory Management: "Date Created" sorting can be helpful for tracking your newest or oldest assets.
Future Improvements:
We're continually working to enhance our sorting capabilities. Upcoming features will include natural sorting for numbers and case-insensitive options.
If you have any questions about sorting or suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.