How to set up a student equipment rental workflow and system (Guide)

Empowering students to make their own equipment reservations can have a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity of educational institutions. By allowing students to reserve equipment on their own, schools can reduce the workload of staff members, improve the overall student experience, and promote independence among students.

How to set up a student equipment rental workflow and system (Guide)
Written by
Carlos Virreira
Published on
September 20, 2023

Empowering students to make their own equipment reservations can have a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity of educational institutions. By allowing students to reserve equipment on their own, schools can reduce the workload of staff members, improve the overall student experience, and promote independence among students.

In this post, we will discuss the benefits of empowering students to make their own equipment reservations, best practices for implementation, and tips for maximizing the use of equipment reservation systems.

Understanding Equipment Reservation Systems

Equipment reservation systems are software solutions that allow users to book equipment for specific periods of time. These systems can be used by various organizations, such as universities, libraries, and research centers, where multiple individuals may need access to specialized equipment.

There are two primary types of equipment reservation systems: web-based and desktop applications. Web-based systems are accessible through a web browser, while desktop applications require installation on individual computers. Both types offer similar functionality but vary in terms of accessibility and convenience.

Benefits of Empowering Students to Make Their Own Equipment Reservations

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

When students are able to make their own equipment reservations, staff members no longer need to act as intermediaries. This reduces the amount of time spent on managing equipment requests, allowing staff to focus on other important tasks. Additionally, students can plan their projects and schedules more efficiently, leading to improved productivity.

Enhanced Student Experience

Empowering students to make their own equipment reservations promotes independence and self-reliance. It also allows students to take ownership of their learning experiences and project planning. By having direct access to the equipment they need, students can work at their own pace and avoid delays caused by waiting for staff assistance.

Reduced Workload for Staff

Staff members often spend a significant amount of time managing equipment requests, checking availability, and coordinating with students. When students are able to make their own reservations, staff can dedicate more time to supporting students in their academic pursuits and less time on administrative tasks.

Best Practices for Empowering Students to Make Their Own Equipment Reservations

Provide Clear Instructions and Guidelines

To ensure successful implementation, it's essential to provide clear instructions and guidelines for using the equipment reservation system. Develop step-by-step tutorials or instructional videos that demonstrate how to navigate the system, search for available equipment, and make reservations.

Encourage Advance Reservations

Encourage students to make reservations well in advance to ensure that they can secure the equipment they need when they need it. This approach also helps prevent last-minute conflicts and delays.

Offer Training Sessions or Tutorials

For students who may struggle with using the equipment reservation system, offer training sessions or one-on-one tutorials. This support can help build confidence and proficiency, ensuring that all students can successfully make their own reservations.

Proper Labeling and Organization

Ensure that equipment is properly labeled with asset tags and organized for easy identification. This makes it simpler for students to locate the equipment they need and prevents confusion or mistakes during the reservation process. For all things asset labels and tags, check this page.

Tips for Maximizing the Use of Equipment Reservation Systems

Set Up Automated Notifications

Use automated notifications to remind students of upcoming equipment reservations, maintenance schedules, and repair deadlines. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of forgotten reservations or delayed maintenance, ensuring that equipment remains in good working condition.

Create a Rule of Conduct

Create a rule of conduct document highlighting the care and importance of returning the asset at the right time. This will ensure that your students comply to your regulations. If needed, make them sign an end user agreement for this.

Addressing Concerns and Challenges of Empowering Students to Reserve Assets

While empowering students to make their own equipment reservations offers many advantages, there are some concerns and challenges that institutions should address:

Equipment Misuse or Damage

One potential concern is that students may misuse or damage equipment if they are responsible for reserving and using it themselves. To mitigate this risk, institutions can implement policies and procedures for equipment use and maintenance, and provide training or guidance for students on proper usage and care.

Inequitable Access

Another challenge is ensuring equitable access to equipment for all students. Institutions can address this by providing adequate equipment inventory, implementing reservation policies that prioritize fairness and equal access, and offering alternative options for students who cannot access certain equipment.

Technical Difficulties

Technical difficulties can arise when using an online equipment reservation system, such as connectivity issues or software glitches. Institutions should have a backup plan in place, such as a physical sign-up sheet or a dedicated staff member to assist with reservations, to ensure that students can still access equipment even if the online system is unavailable.

To conclude

Implementing an equipment reservation system that empowers students to make their own reservations can greatly benefit educational institutions.

By reducing staff workload, improving student experience, and promoting independence and responsibility, these systems can contribute to a more efficient and effective learning environment.

However, it's crucial to consider concerns and challenges, such as equipment misuse or damage, inequitable access, and technical difficulties, and develop strategies to address them. With careful planning and execution, equipment reservation systems can be a valuable tool for enhancing education.

Article by
Carlos Virreira

Founder / Vision Lead at

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How to set up a student equipment rental workflow and system (Guide)
Carlos Virreira
Co-Founder Shelf

Founder / Vision Lead at

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UI element showing a asset header with a name, status and thumbnail.
UI element showing asset fields.
UI element showing a booking entry.