Differences between Asset Tracking Software and Inventory Management Software

Asset tracking and inventory management are two closely related concepts, but they are not the same. Both involve the tracking and management of physical items, but they have distinct differences. In this post, we'll take a look at the major differences between asset tracking software and inventory management software, and why they both play an important role in keeping physical items organized and secure.

Differences between Asset Tracking Software and Inventory Management Software
Written by
Isabelle Spinka
Published on
March 24, 2023

Asset Tracking Software vs Inventory Management Software

Asset tracking and inventory management are two closely related concepts, but they are not the same. Both involve the tracking and management of physical items, but they have distinct differences. In this post, we'll take a look at the major differences between asset tracking software and inventory management software, and why they both play an important role in keeping physical items organized and secure.

What is Asset Tracking Software?

Asset tracking software is a type of software that helps organizations and individuals keep track of their physical items. It can be used to track a wide range of assets, including tools, equipment, furniture, computers, and other physical items. This type of software helps organizations know exactly where their physical items are located and who is responsible for them. It can also be used to monitor the condition of assets and track their value over time.

What is Inventory Management Software?

Inventory management software is a type of software that helps organizations and individuals manage their inventory. It can be used to track inventory levels, monitor stock levels, and plan for future inventory needs. This type of software helps organizations make sure they always have the right amount of inventory on hand, which helps them keep their costs down and their profits up.

Major Differences between Asset Tracking Software and Inventory Management Software

The major difference between asset tracking software and inventory management software is the type of items they are used to track. Asset tracking software is used to track physical items, while inventory management software is used to track inventory levels, stock levels, and future inventory needs.

Asset tracking software is also used to track the condition of assets and their value over time. Inventory management software, on the other hand, is used to keep track of inventory levels and stock levels, as well as plan for future inventory needs.

Why Use Both Asset Tracking Software and Inventory Management Software?

Both asset tracking software and inventory management software play an important role in keeping physical items organized and secure. Asset tracking software helps organizations and individuals know exactly where their physical items are located and who is responsible for them, while inventory management software helps organizations make sure they always have the right amount of inventory on hand.

Using both asset tracking software and inventory management software helps organizations and individuals ensure their physical items are organized and secure, while also controlling their costs and increasing their profits.


Asset tracking software and inventory management software are two closely related concepts, but they are not the same. Asset tracking software is used to track physical items, while inventory management software is used to track inventory levels, stock levels, and future inventory needs. Both asset tracking software and inventory management software play an important role in keeping physical items organized and secure.

If you're looking for a modern and intuitive asset tracking software to help you keep your physical items organized and secure, Shelf is the perfect choice. Shelf is a QR based software tool, and it deals with PHYSICAL items primarily. Sign up today and start tracking your assets!

Article by
Isabelle Spinka

Isabelle is a cool and knowledgable person that know a lot about Assets and stuff.

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Differences between Asset Tracking Software and Inventory Management Software
Isabelle Spinka

Isabelle is a cool and knowledgable person that know a lot about Assets and stuff.

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UI element showing a asset header with a name, status and thumbnail.
UI element showing asset fields.
UI element showing a booking entry.